The Design Entrepreneur

Turning Graphic Design Into Goods That Sell

Steven Heller, Lita Talarico
32,50 €
29,25 € per i soci AIAP


The Design Entrepreneur will survey the innovative entrepreneurial options a broad group of contemporary graphic designers have engaged in over the past decade, while also addressing the creative process, fabrication and materials, and promotion issues necessary to bring unique products to the marketplace. The Design Entrepreneur is the first book to survey this new field and showcase the innovators who are creating everything from books to furniture, clothes to magazines, plates to surf boards, and more.

Through case studies with an international roster of designers like Dave Eggers, Maria Kalman, Charles Spencer Anderson, Seymour Chwast, Jet Mous, Nicholas Callaway, Jordi Duro, and others, this book explores the whys, hows, and wherefores of the conception and production processes. Design entrepreneurs must take the leap away from the safety of the traditional designer role into the precarious territory where the public decides what works and does not, and this is the book that shows them how that feat is accomplished.


Learn more about The Design Entrepreneur by clicking here.


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