DA: Design Austria
IIID: International Institute for Information Design
UDB: Union des Designers en Belgique
Design Flanders
AUG: Asociace Uzit Grafiky a Grafick ho Designu Praha
BBA-UVU-CR: Brno Biennale Association (member of UVU)
DCCR: Design Centrum of the Czech Republic
TDC: Typo Design Club
DD: Danske Designere - Danish Designers
DDA: Danish Design Association
MDD: Danske Designeres medlemmer
EDL: Estonian Association of Designers - Eesti Disainerite Liit
EGDU: Estonian Graphic Designers Union
Grafia ry-Finnish Association of Graphic Design
AAF: The Artists’ Association of Finland
The Finnish Associates of Designers Ornano
TOKYO: the Student Union of the University of Art and Design Helsinki
SNG: Syndicat National du Graphistes
AFAA: Association Française d’Action Artistique
AFD: Alliance Française des Designers
APCI: Agence pour la Promotion Creation Industrielle
CCI/MNAM: Centre de Creation Industrielle
ADC: Art Director's Club für Deutschland
AGD: Allianz deutscher Designer e V.
BDG: Bund Deutscher Grafik-Designer
BDVI: Bund Deutscher Verpackungs Ingenieure
DZNRW: Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen
RFF: Rat für Formgebung
VGD: Verband der grafik-designer e.v
VDID: Verbandes Deutscher Industrie Designer
Designerinnen-forum - women design forum
CSD: The Chartered Society of Designers
D&AD: British Design and Art Direction
BDC: British Design Council
DBA: Design Business Association
IVCA: International Visual Comunication Association
ISTD: International Society of Typographic Designers
RSA: The Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce
TYP: The Typographic Circle
Design Wales: Dylunio SPFP Cymru
The Lighthouse
Gray’s School of Art: The Robert Gordon University
GGDA: Greek Graphic Design Association
MKISZ: Association of Hungarian Fine Artists
Hungarian Design Council
FIT: Association of Icelandic Graphic Designers
GDBA: Graphic Design Business Association
IDI: Institute of Designers in Ireland
LDS: Latvian Designer’s Society
LGDA: Lithuanian Association of Graphic Design
BNO: Beroepsvereniging Nederlandense Ontwerpers
Premsela, Dutch Design Foundation
GRAFILL: Norske grafiske designere og illustratører
NDC: Norwegian Design Council
PMW: Poster Museum in Wilanow
Akademia Sztuk Pieknych w Katowicach
SPFP: Stowarzyszenie Projektantów Form Przemys?owych
CPD: Centro Português de Design
Fundatia Romana Pentru Design
Tibiscus University, Faculty of Design
AGD: Academy of Graphic Design
MOSDESIGN: Moscow Union of Designers
SND: Scandinavia Society for News Design / Scandinavia
UPIDIV: Association of Applied Arts Artists and Designers of Vojvodina
SDC: Slovenske Centrum Dizajnu/ Slovak Design Centre
DOS: Designers Society of Slovenia
BIO: Bienale industrijskega oblikovanja - Biennial of industrial design
Zavod Big
ADG-FAD: Associació de Dissenyadors Gràfics del FAD
AEPD: Asociación Española de Profesionals del Diseño
AAD: Asociación Andaluza de Diseñadores
AGA: Asociación de Diseñadores Gráficos de Asturias
ADP: Associació de Dissenyadors Professionals - Barcelona
ADCV: Associación de Diseñadores de la Comunidad Valenciana
DDI: Spanish State Agency for the development of design and innovation
BCD: Barcelona Centre de Disseny
CODIG: Associació per a la Creació del Col.legi de Dissenyadors Gràfics
OHIM: Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market
FST: Föreningen Svenska Tecknare
SVID: Swedish Industrial Design Foundation
SDA: Swiss Design Association
SGD: Swiss Graphic Designers
AGI: Alliance Graphique Internationale
GMK: Turkish Society of Graphic Designers
4thBlock: Ukrainian Association of Graphic Designers
18 January 2021