
  1. Think before writing
  2. Behave as you would in real life situations
  3. Respect opinions that are different from your own
  4. Share your knowledge
  5. Explain your opinions
  6. Do not abuse other readers' time and bandwidth: be concise
  7. Do not abuse your possibilities
  8. Be tolerant towards other readers' mistakes
  9. Avoid personal references
  10. Do not feed flames

Behaviour code.
The editors invite you to behave respectfully. In particular it is important to avoid offensive comments that may encourage genre, racial or religious discrimination. Comments containing personal references, advertisements or propaganda, exceeding the treated theme or the maximum length, should also be avoided. Comments posted by different nicknames from the same IP address will be removed.
The editorial staff reserves itself the right to remove comments that may violate this behaviour code. Repeated violation of this code causes the cancellation of the user's registration.


via Ponchielli, 3
20129 Milano

18 January 2021


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