Archivio Storico del Progetto Grafico / Fondo Germano Facetti

Il fondo è l'esito di una donazione di Germano Facetti (Milano, 1926 – Sarzana, 2006)
in occasione della mostra organizzata nel 1999 dalla Galleria Aiap.
Raccoglie alcuni materiali di documentazione dei progetti (copertine, stampati, prove
di stampa, campioni di opuscoli e altro materiale) realizzati in particolare del periodo
di lavoro svolto in Gran Bretagna dagli anni Cinquanta ai Settanta del XX secolo.
Il fondo si è stato sviluppato nel tempo, con l'acquisizione di altri materiali per documentare il lavoro di Facetti, come grafico, autore e critico ed in particolare presenta un'ampia raccolta di volumi della Penguin Books alle quali hanno lavorato, sotto la direzione artistica di Facetti, molti grafici, illustratori e fotografi come: Colin Forbes, Alan Fletcher, Romek Marber,
Derek Birdsall, Bruce Robertson, André François, Paul Hogarth, Giannetto Coppola,
Richard Hollis, F. H. Henrion, Massimo Vignelli e molti altri. (MP)

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Basil Davidson

Which Way Africa?

The Search for a New Society
Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

W. G. Moore

A Dictionary of Geography

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1969

William Golding

Free Fall

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1963

John Hersey

The Child Buyer

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

Delano Ames

Murder, Maestro, please

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1960

R. H. Barrow

The Romans

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1967

Ann Dummett

A Portrait of English Racism

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1973

William Styron

The Long March

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

Hrafnkel’s saga and other stories

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1971

Alan Paton

Cry, the Beloved Country

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1965

Samuel Richardson


Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1980

Eric de Maré


Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1968

Franz Kafka

The Trial

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1965

Georges Simenon


Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1963

John Wyndham

Trouble with Lichen

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1963

Ghita Ionescu

The break-up

of the Soviet Empire in Eastern Europe
Feltrinelli Editore, GB, 1965

H. J. Blackham


Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1968

Alfred Cobban

A History of Modern France

Volume 2: 1799-1871
Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1961

J. M. e M. J. Cohen

A Dictionary of Quotations

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1961

A. W. Palmer

A Dictionary of Modern History

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

Robert Scheer - Maurice Zeltlin

Cuba an American tragedy

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

Edited by Robin Blackburn and...

The incompatibles:

trade union militancy and the consensus.
Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1967

Edited by James H. Hodge

Famous Trials 8

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1960

Paul A. Baran, Paul M. Sweezy

Monopoly Capital

An essay on the American Economic and Social Order
Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1968

Muriel Spark

The Bachelors

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1965

Basil Willey

Nineteenth-Century Studies

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

B. J. Mc Cormick


Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1969

Germano Facetti e Alan Fletcher

Identity kits: a pictorial survey of visual signals

Studio Vista, GB, 1971

Miss Read

Village School

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1963

Patric Keatley

the Politics of Partnership

the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Penguin Books, UK, 1963

Eric Newton

European Painting and Sculpture

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1968

Frederic Morton

The Rothschilds

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

Maurice Goldsmith,Alan Mackay

The science of science

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1973

Georges Simenon

Act of Passion

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1965

Gerald Durrel

The Bafut Beagles

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1965

E. B. Uvarov,D. R. Chapman, Alan Isaac

A Dictionary of Science

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

Vivian Rowe

Mesdames, Messieurs...

The ATV French Series 3
Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

William Thackeray

Vanity Fair

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1968

The cloud of unkowing and other works

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1983

George Simenon

Maigret’s mistake

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1960

Alec Clegg and Barabra Megson

Children in distress

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1968

Raymond Chandler

Smart-Aleck Kill

John Dalmas - Private eye
Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

Edited dy Gerald Moore and...

Modern Poetry from Africa

Penguin Books, UK, 1963

James Barlow

The Hour of Maximum Danger

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1963

George Orwell

Keep the Aspidistra Flying

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1965

John Le Carré

A murder of quality

The autor of ‘The spy who came in from the cold’
Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1964

Raymond Chandler

Killer in the rain

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1966

Laxdaela Saga

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1969

Vance Packard

The Waste Makers

Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1967

Raymond Chandler


Private eye
Penguin Books Ltd, GB, 1963

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