Aldo Novarese |
Eurostile |
Società Nebiolo |
1962 |
CTY-TIsp076 |
Morris Fuller Benton |
Monotype Century |
Monotype Corporation |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp102 |
Aldo Novarese |
Forma |
Società Nebiolo Torino |
1968 |
CTY-TIsp149 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1999 |
CTY-TIri026 |
Jovica Veljovic |
Itc Esprit |
itc |
1985 |
CTY-TIsp121 |
American Type Founders |
ATF Section G Type Specimens |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp048 |
Dick Dooyes, Stefan Schlesinger |
Rondo |
Amsterdam Type Foundry |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp046 |
Das zweite heft-Februar 1927 |
Typographische Mitteilungen |
Verlag des Bildungsverbandes der Deutschen Buchdrucker |
1927 |
CTY-TIri003 |
Lyubov Kuznetsova |
Linotype Elisabeth |
D. Stempel AG |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp083 |
O. Martin |
Johannes Gutenberg |
Gutenberg Museum Mainz |
1990 |
CTY-TIca008 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1998 |
CTY-TIri029 |
Sebastian Carter |
Twentieth century designers |
Typeplinger Publishing Co., Inc. |
1962 |
CTY-TIli002 |
Aa.Vv. |
Penrose annual 1922 |
Lund, Humphries & company, LTD |
1922 |
CTY-TIri005 |
C.H. Griffith |
Monticello |
Mergenthaler Linotype Company |
1946 |
CTY-TIsp081 |
ATF Type Specimens - Supplement 2 |
American Type Founders |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp087 |
Freeman Craw |
ATF Craw Clarendon Book |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp056 |
Aa.Vv. |
Penrose annual 1976 |
Stanley Greenwood and Clive Goodacre |
1976 |
CTY-TIri023 |
Nebiolo |
Società Nebiolo Torino |
1967 |
CTY-TIsp154 |
New Faces: Normande-Walbaum |
Amsterdam Continental Types and Graphic Equipment inc. |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp107 |
Aa. Vv. |
Book design and production |
Arthur J. Heighway Publication Limited |
1962 |
CTY-TIli001 |
Smithsonian Type Revivals |
Smithsonian/Letter Foundery |
1970 |
CTY-TIsp028 |
C. H. Griffith |
Linotype Monticello |
Mergenthaler/Linotype |
1946 |
CTY-TIsp020 |
Edward Benguiat |
Modern is Jazzier - Modern No. 216 |
The Type People |
1987 |
CTY-TIsp079 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1987 |
CTY-TIri059 |
William Caslon |
Ludlow Typography Company |
1967 |
CTY-TIsp030 |
ABC cercasi |
Società Nebiolo Torino |
1968 |
CTY-TIsp155 |
Adrian Frutiger |
Méridien |
Deberny et Peignot |
1957 |
CTY-TIsp019 |
Carl Purington Rollins, A. F. Johnson, Ellic Howe |
Signature 10 |
Curwen press |
1950 |
CTY-TIli023 |
Oldrich Menhart |
Figural Roman and Italic |
Grafotechna |
1949 |
CTY-TIsp033 |
Ruari McLean |
Pictorial Alphabets |
Studio Vista, London Dover Publications, New York |
1968 |
CTY-TIli004 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1989 |
CTY-TIri052 |
Roger Excoffon |
Mistral |
Amsterdam Type Foundry |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp157 |
Aa.Vv. |
Penrose annual 1965 |
Herbert Spencer |
1965 |
CTY-TIri016 |
Hermann Zapf |
Michelangelo Titling e Sistina Titling |
Stempel Typefounders |
1951 |
CTY-TIsp042 |
Akzidenz Grotesk |
Arti Grafiche Pizzi |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp169 |
Konrand F. Bauer, Walter Baum e Adler Traldi |
New Impressum light - Italic - Bold |
Bauer Alphabets Inc. |
1962 |
CTY-TIsp007 |
Von Oskar Beyer |
Rudolf Koch |
Evangelifche Verlagsanftalt/Berlin |
1949 |
CTY-TIli011 |
Von Oskar Beyer |
Rudolf Koch |
Evangelifche Verlagsanftalt/Berlin |
1949 |
CTY-TIli016 |
John Lewis and John Brinkley |
Graphic Design |
Routledge & Kegan Paul |
1954 |
CTY-TIli010 |
Louis Oppenheim |
LO-Type/LO-Schrift |
H. Berthold AG |
1914 |
CTY-TIsp060 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1994 |
CTY-TIri037 |
Lucian Bernhard |
ATF Bernhard |
American Type Founders |
1937 |
CTY-TIsp016 |
Ed Benguiat |
Itc Benguiat Condensed |
itc |
1979 |
CTY-TIsp116 |
Arno Drescher |
Arabella |
Castcraft |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp098 |
Monotype |
Lanston Monotype Machine Company |
1957 |
CTY-TIli015 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1990 |
CTY-TIri050 |
The Empire Type Book |
The Empire Typesetting Company of Chicago |
1932 |
CTY-TIca007 |
Ivor Robinson |
Introducing Bookbinding |
Watson - Guptill Publication New York |
1968 |
CTY-TIli003 |
Bunte Buchdruck Farben |
Veb |
-01- |
CTY-TIca004 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1987 |
CTY-TIri061 |