Archivio Storico del Progetto Grafico / Collezione Tipografia del Novecento

La collezione è composta da oltre un centinaio di pezzi fra specimen, campionari,
manuali, libri dedicati alla tipografia e relativi alla prima metà del Novecento.
Si trovano molti opuscoli di presentazione delle più importanti fonderie di caratteri,
ma anche manuali tecnici e deliziosi volumi, come un bellissimo listino di vini
disegnato e composto da Cassandre.
A questi si aggiungono una serie di volumi sulla storia e la critica della tipografia (Morison, Gill, Simon) e alcune collezioni di annual e riviste storiche (Penrose Annual, Signature).

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Arrow Indicators

American Type Founders, US, -01

Oldrich Menhart

Figural Roman and Italic

Grafotechna, CZ, 1949

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1991-10

Gainsborough Script

Simpons, US, 1986

Ernst Friz

Itc Friz Quadrata

itc, U.S.A, 1974

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1999-07

Joel Kaden, Tony Stan

Itc American typewriter

itc, U.S.A, 1975

Carl Purington Rollins, A. F....

Signature 10

Curwen press, GB, 1950

Oldrich Menhart

Roman and Italic Manuscript

Slévarna písem, CZ, 1944

Ivor Robinson

Introducing Bookbinding

Watson - Guptill Publication New York, US, 1968

Italic typography on the Ludlow

Ludlow Typography Company, US, 1927

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1993-04

Oldrich Menhart


Grafotechna - Prag, CZ, 1926

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1989-01

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Spartan Black Condensed with Italic

ATF, US, -01

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Bernhard Tango

ATF, US, -01

George Morland

An exhibition of painting and drawings
Curwen Press, GB, 1954

Hermann Berthold


Neon Type Division, Typefounders of Chicago, US, 1960

Morris Fuller Benton

Monotype Century

Monotype Corporation, GB,

Stephenson Blake

Grotesque 9

The Caslon Letter Foundry, GB, -01

American Type Founders

ATF Section G Type Specimens


Linotype Antique No. 1 Series

Mergenthaler Linotype Company, US,

Century Bold and Italic

Mergenthaler Linotype Company, US, -01

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1992-12

Neon Helvetica

The perfect gothic
Typefounders of Chicago, US, 1957

Raffaello Bertieri

The Linotype in Italy

Mergenthaler Linotype Company, US,


Primula Ornamenten
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Friedrich Hermann Ernst...


Bauer Alphabets, Inc., US, 1937

Klein Kapitaaltjes

Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1954-12

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1992-04

Tony Stan

Itc Garamond

itc, U.S.A, 1977

Aldo Novarese


stretto nero: un nuovo completamento ad una grande famiglia di lineari
Società Nebiolo Torino, US, 1962

Itc Weidemann

ITC, U.S.A, 1983

ATF Type Specimens - Supplement 1

American Type Founders, US, -01

Rudolf Weiss

Memphis Luna

Stempel Typefounders, US, 1936

John Stephenson, James Blake

Narrow sans Italic

A new display type from Stephenson Blake
Stephenson Blake, GB, -01


U&lc - volume thirteen (n.2)

International Typeface Corporation, US, 1986-08-01


Ludwig & Mayer, DE,

Tips on the Care of Your Intertype

Intertype Corporation, US,

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1988-02

Victor A. Caruso

Itc Clearface

itc, U.S.A, 1979

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1988-05

50 Jahre Christian Wolff - Flensburg

Verlag Gmbh, DE, 1959-06-05

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1990-04

Robert Slimbach

Itc Slimbach

ITC, U.S.A, 1987

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1999-04

Adrian Frutiger


A revolutionary new concept in type design by Adrian Frutiger
Warwick Typographers, US,

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21 January 2021


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