Hermann Zapf |
Optima |
D. Stempel AG |
1958 |
CTY-TIbr002 |
Adrian Frutiger |
Méridien |
Deberny et Peignot |
1957 |
CTY-TIsp019 |
Von Oskar Beyer |
Rudolf Koch |
Evangelifche Verlagsanftalt/Berlin |
1949 |
CTY-TIli016 |
Engelsk Malarkonst |
Fran hogarth till turner |
Curwen press |
1950 |
CTY-TIli021 |
Aldo Novarese |
Recta |
Società Nebiolo Torino |
1963 |
CTY-TIsp153 |
Akzidenz Grotesk |
Arti Grafiche Pizzi |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp169 |
Arno Drescher |
Arabella |
Castcraft |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp098 |
Hermann Zapf |
Itc Zapf International |
1977 |
CTY-TIsp140 |
Max Miedinger |
Helvetica Light |
D. Stempel AG Typefoundry |
1957 |
CTY-TIsp043 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1986 |
CTY-TIri062 |
Nicolas |
Nicolas |
1931 |
CTY-TIca002 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1987 |
CTY-TIri060 |
Aa.Vv. |
Penrose annual 1965 |
Herbert Spencer |
1965 |
CTY-TIri016 |
Ivor Robinson |
Introducing Bookbinding |
Watson - Guptill Publication New York |
1968 |
CTY-TIli003 |
Stanley Morison, Victor Lardent |
Matrotype Times |
Matrotype Company, Taplow, Maindenhead, Berkshire M. H. Whittake |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp039 |
Ray Baker |
Itc Newtext |
1975 |
CTY-TIsp128 |
ITC Zapf Dingbat series |
ITC - International Typeface Corporation |
1976 |
CTY-TIsp138 |
Aa.Vv. |
Penrose annual 1967 |
Herbert Spencer |
1967 |
CTY-TIri018 |
Jovica Veljovic |
Itc Esprit |
itc |
1985 |
CTY-TIsp121 |
Fine drinking |
Curwen press |
-01- |
CTY-TIca009 |
Aa.Vv. |
Penrose annual 1975 |
Brian H Smith |
1975 |
CTY-TIri022 |
Raffaello Bertieri |
The Linotype in Italy |
Mergenthaler Linotype Company |
-01- |
CTY-TIli014 |
Herb Lubalin, Tom Carnase |
Itc Avant Garde Gothic Condensed |
Itc |
1974 |
CTY-TIsp113 |
American Type Founders |
ATF Section G Type Specimens |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp048 |
Aa.Vv. |
Penrose annual 1938 |
Lund, Humphries & company, LTD |
1938 |
CTY-TIri007 |
Stephenson Blake |
Grotesque 9 |
The Caslon Letter Foundry |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp062 |
Hermann Berthold |
Standard |
Neon Type Division, Typefounders of Chicago |
1960 |
CTY-TIsp041 |
James Wardrop, Michael Ayrton, Raynolds Stone |
Signature 2 |
Curwen press |
1946 |
CTY-TIli025 |
Neon Helvetica |
Typefounders of Chicago |
1957 |
CTY-TIsp027 |
J. Ben Lieberman |
Printing as a hobby |
Sterling Publishing Co. Inc. |
1963 |
CTY-TIli009 |
S.H. de Roos |
Egmont |
Amsterdam Type Foundry |
1933 |
CTY-TIsp065 |
Ruari McLean |
Pictorial Alphabets |
Studio Vista, London Dover Publications, New York |
1968 |
CTY-TIli004 |
Alessandro Butti / Aldo Novarese |
Microgramma |
Nebiolo Type Foundry |
1952 |
CTY-TIsp044 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1988 |
CTY-TIri055 |
Konrand F. Bauer, Walter Baum e Adler Traldi |
New Impressum light - Italic - Bold |
Bauer Alphabets Inc. |
1962 |
CTY-TIsp007 |
Aa.Vv. |
Penrose annual 1953 |
R. B. Fishenden, M. Sc. (Tech), F.R.P.S |
1953 |
CTY-TIri010 |
Aldo Novarese, Alessandro Butti |
Microgramma Neon |
Typefounders of Chicago |
1952 |
CTY-TIsp012 |
New Faces: Normande-Walbaum |
Amsterdam Continental Types and Graphic Equipment inc. |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp107 |
Aa.Vv. |
Penrose annual 1977/78 |
Stanley Greenwood and Clive Goodacre |
1977 |
CTY-TIri024 |
Tony Stan |
Itc Garamond |
itc |
1977 |
CTY-TIsp124 |
S.H. De Roos |
Libra |
Typefounfry Amsterdam |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp108 |
Hermann Zapf |
Optima |
Neon Type Division, Typefounders of Chicago |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp063 |
50 Jahre Christian Wolff - Flensburg |
Verlag Gmbh |
1959 |
CTY-TIli013 |
Eric Gill |
Art and a changing civilisation |
John Lane the Bodley Head Ltd. |
1934 |
CTY-TIli007 |
C.H. Griffith |
Monticello |
Mergenthaler Linotype Company |
1946 |
CTY-TIsp081 |
Annonce |
Amsterdam Type Foundry |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp163 |
Morris Fuller Benton |
Cheltenham |
Mergenthaler Linotype Company |
1929 |
CTY-TIsp066 |
Presenting |
Haas Typefoundry |
-01- |
CTY-TIsp070 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1991 |
CTY-TIri045 |
Aa. Vv. |
U&lc |
1989 |
CTY-TIri054 |