Archivio Storico del Progetto Grafico / Collezione Tipografia del Novecento

La collezione è composta da oltre un centinaio di pezzi fra specimen, campionari,
manuali, libri dedicati alla tipografia e relativi alla prima metà del Novecento.
Si trovano molti opuscoli di presentazione delle più importanti fonderie di caratteri,
ma anche manuali tecnici e deliziosi volumi, come un bellissimo listino di vini
disegnato e composto da Cassandre.
A questi si aggiungono una serie di volumi sulla storia e la critica della tipografia (Morison, Gill, Simon) e alcune collezioni di annual e riviste storiche (Penrose Annual, Signature).

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Josè Mendoza y Almeida


Typefoundry Amsterdam, NL, 1960

Fine drinking

Curwen press, GB, -01

John Rothenstein, Mary Chamot

The Tate gallery

A brief history and guide
Curwen press, GB, 1951

Victorian types for modern printing

American Type Founders, US,

M. R. Kaufamann

ATF Kaufmann Script - Kaufmann Bold

Two distintive new monotone scripts by American Type Founders
American Type Founders, US, 1936

Stephenson Blake

Grotesque 9

The Caslon Letter Foundry, GB, -01

Hubert Phillips, Pearl Falconer

Meet William Shakespeare

Curwen press, GB, 1949

Thomas Maitland Cleland,...


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1997-12

Oldrich Menhart, Josef Týfa

Veneziana Antiqua and Italic

Grafotechna, CZ, 1956-11-13

Frischer Wind — und Folio

Harrys-Intertype Gmbh. Berlin, DE, 1962

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1986-05-01

Alessandro Butti / Aldo Novarese

Nova Augustea

Società Nebiolo Torino, US, 1964

Von Oskar Beyer

Rudolf Koch

Menfch, Schiftgeftalter und erneuerer des handwerks
Evangelifche Verlagsanftalt/Berlin, DE, 1949

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Bernhard Modern Bold Roman & Italic

ATF, US, -01

ATF Type Specimens - Supplement 1

American Type Founders, US, -01

Wilhelm Pischner

Linotype - Neuzeit - Grotesk

D. Stempel A-G, DE,

Herb Lubalina, Tony DiSpagna...

Itc Lubalin Graph

ITC, U.S.A, 1975

Konrand F. Bauer, Walter Baum...

New Impressum light - Italic - Bold

Bauer Alphabets Inc., US, 1962

Carl Purington Rollins, A. F....

Signature 10

Curwen press, GB, 1950

James Wardrop, Michael...

Signature 2

Curwen press, GB, 1946

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1990-04

Cartoon Bold

Deberny & Peignot repertoire, FR, -01

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1997-10

Century Bold and Italic

Mergenthaler Linotype Company, US, -01

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1990-01

William Shakespeare

All the love poems of Shakespeare

Eric Gill engravings
Sylvan Press, US, 1947


fonderie de caractères
Società Nebiolo Torino, FR, 1967-04

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1997-07

50 Jahre Christian Wolff - Flensburg

Verlag Gmbh, DE, 1959-06-05

S.H. De Roos

ATF De Roos Roman & Italic

ATF, US, -01

Tony Stan

Itc Garamond

itc, U.S.A, 1977

Adrian Frutiger


Deberny et Peignot, FR, 1957

Freeman Craw

ATF Craw Clarendon Book

ATF, US, -01

Neon Aurora bold condensed

Chicago Type Foundry, US,

Albert Boton

Itc Eras

itc, U.S.A, 1976

The Type-a-Day calendar June 1973

Solotype Typographers, US, 1973-06-01

Arno Drescher


Castcraft, DE, -01

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1989-04

Dennis Morgan


Stevens, Shanks & Sons Ltd, GB, 1936

Hermann Zapf

Itc Zapf International

ITC, U.S.A, 1977

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1993-12

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1998-07

Ray Baker

Itc Newtext

ITC, U.S.A, 1975


The History of Monotype
Lanston Monotype Machine Company, US, 1957

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1994-04

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1991-04

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21 January 2021


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