Archivio Storico del Progetto Grafico / Collezione Tipografia del Novecento

La collezione è composta da oltre un centinaio di pezzi fra specimen, campionari,
manuali, libri dedicati alla tipografia e relativi alla prima metà del Novecento.
Si trovano molti opuscoli di presentazione delle più importanti fonderie di caratteri,
ma anche manuali tecnici e deliziosi volumi, come un bellissimo listino di vini
disegnato e composto da Cassandre.
A questi si aggiungono una serie di volumi sulla storia e la critica della tipografia (Morison, Gill, Simon) e alcune collezioni di annual e riviste storiche (Penrose Annual, Signature).

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Giambattista Bodoni


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1953

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1988-11

Ed Benguiat

Itc Benguiat Condensed

itc, U.S.A, 1979

Aldo Novarese

Forma nera

serie tonda nera
Società Nebiolo Torino, IT, 1968-10-01


Penrose annual 1968

Volume 61. The international review of the graphic arts
Herbert Spencer, GB, 1968-01-0

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1998-04

Tony Stan

Itc Garamond

itc, U.S.A, 1977


U&lc - volume thirteen (n.2)

International Typeface Corporation, US, 1986-08-01

Herb Lubalina, Tony DiSpagna...

Itc Lubalin Graph

ITC, U.S.A, 1975

Hermann Eidenbenz - Eugen e...


Haas Typefoundry, CH, -01

Hermann Berthold


Neon Type Division, Typefounders of Chicago, US, 1960

Neon Aurora bold condensed

Chicago Type Foundry, US,

The Empire Type Book

The Empire Typesetting Company of Chicago, US, 1932

American Typefounders Company

Typografic Dots

American Typefounders Company, U.S.A,


Vette Annonce
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Ivor Robinson

Introducing Bookbinding

Watson - Guptill Publication New York, US, 1968


Penrose annual 1955

Volume 49. A review of the graphic arts
R. B. Fishenden, O.B.E.,M. Sc. (Tech), H.O.N. F.R.P.S, GB, 1955


Brede Vette Egyptienne, Smalle Vette Egytienne
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Hieronymus Andreae

Linotype Buch Fraktur

Mergenthaler Setzmaschinen, G.M.B.H., Berlino, DE, -01

Aldo Novarese


Eurostile 415/20 - serie tonda nera normale
Società Nebiolo Torino, IT, 1964-09

One line type specimen book

George Willens & Company, US, 1967

John Barr

Officina Bodoni

The British Library, GB, 1978

Victorian types for modern printing

American Type Founders, US,

Jahre Berthold

100 Jahre Berthold

H. Berthold AG, DE, 1958-07-01

Robert Slimbach

Itc Slimbach

ITC, U.S.A, 1987

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1988-05

Günter Gerhard Lange

New Standard Series-57/58

and Standard Medium Series (Akzidenz-Grotesk)
Berthold Type Foundry, DE, 1960


Ludlow Typography Company, US, 1930

Aldo Novarese


Società Nebiolo Torino, IT, 1972

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1997-07

Gainsborough Script

Simpons, US, 1986

S. H. de Roos


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, -01


Primula Ornamenten
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Ray Baker

Itc Newtext

ITC, U.S.A, 1975

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1999-04

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1993-09

Arrow Indicators

American Type Founders, US, -01

ATF Type Specimens - Supplement 1

American Type Founders, US, -01

Von Oskar Beyer

Rudolf Koch

Mensch, Schriftgestalter und erneuerer des handwerks
Evangelifche Verlagsanftalt/Berlin, DE, 1949


Penrose annual 1978/79

Volume 71. The international review of the graphic arts
Stanley Greenwood and Clive Goodacre, GB, 1979-01-0

Eduard Hoffmann, Max Miedinger


halbfett / mi-grasse
Haas Typefoundry, CH, 1962

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1990-01

Arno Drescher


Castcraft, DE, -01

An essays on the forgotten art of the punchcutter

School of Library service of the University of California, US, 1965-03-31


The History of Monotype
Lanston Monotype Machine Company, US, 1957


fonderie de caractères
Società Nebiolo Torino, FR, 1967-04

F. W. Kleukens


Eine neue schmalfette werbschrift nach zeichnung Von Prof. F. Kleukens
D. Stempel AG, DE, 1926

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