Archivio Storico del Progetto Grafico / Collezione Tipografia del Novecento

La collezione è composta da oltre un centinaio di pezzi fra specimen, campionari,
manuali, libri dedicati alla tipografia e relativi alla prima metà del Novecento.
Si trovano molti opuscoli di presentazione delle più importanti fonderie di caratteri,
ma anche manuali tecnici e deliziosi volumi, come un bellissimo listino di vini
disegnato e composto da Cassandre.
A questi si aggiungono una serie di volumi sulla storia e la critica della tipografia (Morison, Gill, Simon) e alcune collezioni di annual e riviste storiche (Penrose Annual, Signature).

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Hermann Berthold


Neon Type Division, Typefounders of Chicago, US, 1960

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1988-08

Herbert Bayer

Itc Bauhaus

itc, U.S.A, 1976

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1993-12

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1986-09-01

Peter Dombrezian


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1954

Stanley Morison

The two best 20th century type families

Stephenson Blake, GB, 1959

Hans Heimbeck


Continental Typefounders Association Inc., US, 1936

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1991-10

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1987-11

William Caslon

1692 - 1766
Ludlow Typography Company, US, 1967

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Bernhard Modern Bold Roman & Italic

ATF, US, -01

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1998-10

Stanley Morison

Times bold italic now in hard Stepheson Blake metal

Stephenson Blake, GB,

George Morland

An exhibition of painting and drawings
Curwen Press, GB, 1954

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1998-12

Oldrich Menhart

Roman and Italic Manuscript

Slévarna písem, CZ, 1944

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1990-10

American Typefounders Company

Typografic Dots

American Typefounders Company, U.S.A,

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1989-07


Primula Ornamenten
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

S.H. de Roos


Complete series
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1933-

John Lewis and John Brinkley

Graphic Design

Lettering, Typography and Illustration
Routledge & Kegan Paul, GB, 1954


Penrose annual 1953

Volume 47. A review of the graphic arts
R. B. Fishenden, M. Sc. (Tech), F.R.P.S, GB, 1953

Eric Gill

Last Essays

Jonathan Cape Ltd., GB, 1943

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1991-07

Sebastian Carter

Twentieth century designers

Typeplinger Publishing Co., Inc., US, 1962

Kompendium für Alphabeten

Systematik der Schrift von Karl Gerstner
Verlag Arthur Niggli, IT, 1972

Jovita Veljović

Itc Gamma

ITC, U.S.A, 1986

Thomas Maitland Cleland,...


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Joel Kaden, Tony Stan

Itc American typewriter

itc, U.S.A, 1975

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Bernhard Tango

ATF, US, -01

Aldo Novarese


Società Nebiolo Torino, IT, 1972

Stanley Morison, Victor Lardent

Matrotype Times

Matrotype Company, Taplow, Maindenhead, Berkshire M. H. Whittake, Leeds, UK,

Rudolph Koch

Itc Kabel

ITC, U.S.A, 1976

Warren Chappell

The Lydians

ATF, American Type Founders, US,


Penrose annual 1952

Volume XLVI. A review of the graphic arts
R. B. Fishenden, M. Sc. (Tech), F.R.P.S, GB, 1952

Günter Gerhard Lange

New Standard Series-57/58

and Standard Medium Series (Akzidenz-Grotesk)
Berthold Type Foundry, DE, 1960

The Type-a-Day calendar June 1973

Solotype Typographers, US, 1973-06-01

Hermann Zapf


Stempel Typefounders, US, 1953

Hermann Zapf

Itc Zapf book

ITC, U.S.A, 1976

Herb Lubalin, Antonio DiSpigna

Itc Serif Gothic

ITC, U.S.A, 1974


Penrose annual 1933

Volume 37.
Lund, Humphries & company, LTD, GB, 1933

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1997-04

John Barr

Officina Bodoni

The British Library, GB, 1978

Smithsonian Type Revivals

Smithsonian/Letter Foundery, US, 1970

New Faces: Normande-Walbaum

Amsterdam Continental Types and Graphic Equipment inc., DE, -01-


U&lc - volume eight (n.1)

International Typeface Corporation, US, 1981-03-01

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