Archivio Storico del Progetto Grafico / Collezione Tipografia del Novecento

La collezione è composta da oltre un centinaio di pezzi fra specimen, campionari,
manuali, libri dedicati alla tipografia e relativi alla prima metà del Novecento.
Si trovano molti opuscoli di presentazione delle più importanti fonderie di caratteri,
ma anche manuali tecnici e deliziosi volumi, come un bellissimo listino di vini
disegnato e composto da Cassandre.
A questi si aggiungono una serie di volumi sulla storia e la critica della tipografia (Morison, Gill, Simon) e alcune collezioni di annual e riviste storiche (Penrose Annual, Signature).

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Penrose annual 1951

Volume 45. A review of the graphic arts
R. B. Fishenden, M. Sc. (Tech), F.R.P.S, GB, 1951

Aldo Novarese


serie tonda neretta normale
Società Nebiolo Torino, IT, 1968-10-01

ITC Zapf Dingbat series

ITC - International Typeface Corporation, US, 1976

C. H. Griffith

Linotype Monticello

Mergenthaler/Linotype, DE, 1946

Hermann Zapf


Stempel Typefounders, US, 1953


Many old and new type faces, Accurately cast in Hard Foundry Metal
Mackenzie-Harris, US, 1978-04-01

Ray Baker

Itc Newtext

ITC, U.S.A, 1975

Ed Benguiat

Itc Benguiat

itc, U.S.A, 1977


Penrose annual 1953

Volume 47. A review of the graphic arts
R. B. Fishenden, M. Sc. (Tech), F.R.P.S, GB, 1953

John Barr

Officina Bodoni

The British Library, GB, 1978

Homer H. Boetler


Homer H. Boetler Typography, US,

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1998-12

Robert Slimbach

Itc Slimbach

ITC, U.S.A, 1987

Aldo Novarese


Eurostile 415/20 - serie tonda nera normale
Società Nebiolo Torino, IT, 1964-09

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Spartan Black Condensed with Italic

ATF, US, -01

Giambattista Bodoni


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1953

Adrian Frutiger


Deberny et Peignot, FR, 1957


Penrose annual 1952

Volume XLVI. A review of the graphic arts
R. B. Fishenden, M. Sc. (Tech), F.R.P.S, GB, 1952


Penrose annual 1976

Volume 69. The international review of the graphic arts
Stanley Greenwood and Clive Goodacre, GB, 1976-01-0

Jacob Erbar


An unusual series of bold initials
Continental Typefounders Association, Inc., US, 1923

Ed Benguiat

Itc Tiffany

ITC, U.S.A, 1974


Brede Vette Egyptienne, Smalle Vette Egytienne
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1997-07

Tony Stan

Itc Garamond

itc, U.S.A, 1977

Joel Kaden, Tony Stan

Itc American typewriter

itc, U.S.A, 1975

Hermann Zapf


Neon Type Division, Typefounders of Chicago, US,

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1991-07

Vincent Pacella

Itc Pacella

ITC, U.S.A, 1987

Oldrich Menhart, Josef Týfa

Veneziana Antiqua and Italic

Grafotechna, CZ, 1956-11-13

Oldrich Menhart

Figural Roman and Italic

Grafotechna, CZ, 1949

Wagner e Schmidt

Venus Extrabold Extended

Bauer Alphabets, Inc., US, 1927


Penrose annual 1955

Volume 49. A review of the graphic arts
R. B. Fishenden, O.B.E.,M. Sc. (Tech), H.O.N. F.R.P.S, GB, 1955

Stanley Morison

A portrait

The Trustees of the British Museum, GB, 1971

Jahre Berthold

100 Jahre Berthold

H. Berthold AG, DE, 1958-07-01

Von Oskar Beyer

Rudolf Koch

Menfch, Schiftgeftalter und erneuerer des handwerks
Evangelifche Verlagsanftalt/Berlin, DE, 1949

Aa. Vv.


Upper and lower case
ITC, US, 1997-10

Konrand F. Bauer, Walter Baum...

New Impressum light - Italic - Bold

Bauer Alphabets Inc., US, 1962

Ed Benguiat

Itc Bookman

itc, U.S.A, 1976

Morris Fuller Benton

The Louvaine Family

American Typefounders Company, US, 1929

A Survey of Types

Berthold Type Foundry, DE, -01

For Your Guidance

Bauer type foundry, DE, 01

An essays on the forgotten art of the punchcutter

School of Library service of the University of California, US, 1965-03-31


Ludwig & Mayer, DE,

Richard Isbell

ATF Americana

American Type founders, US, 1967

Antiqua Empiriana and Italic

Die Verkaufte Braut oper in drei aufzugen
Grafotechna - Prag, 1958

F. K. Sallway


and a new bold, exstended display letter from the Stempel Foundry.
The Stempel Foundry, DE, 1958

Hermann Zapf


D. Stempel AG, DE, 1958

John Lewis and John Brinkley

Graphic Design

Lettering, Typography and Illustration
Routledge & Kegan Paul, GB, 1954

Hermann Zapf

Itc Zapf International

ITC, U.S.A, 1977

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