Archivio Storico del Progetto Grafico / Collezione Tipografia del Novecento

La collezione è composta da oltre un centinaio di pezzi fra specimen, campionari,
manuali, libri dedicati alla tipografia e relativi alla prima metà del Novecento.
Si trovano molti opuscoli di presentazione delle più importanti fonderie di caratteri,
ma anche manuali tecnici e deliziosi volumi, come un bellissimo listino di vini
disegnato e composto da Cassandre.
A questi si aggiungono una serie di volumi sulla storia e la critica della tipografia (Morison, Gill, Simon) e alcune collezioni di annual e riviste storiche (Penrose Annual, Signature).

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Penrose annual 1960

Volume 54. A review of the graphic arts
Allan Delafons, GB, 1960-08-20

Victorian types for modern printing

American Type Founders, US,

Richard Isbell

ATF Americana

American Type founders, US, 1967

American Typefounders Company

Typografic Dots

American Typefounders Company, U.S.A,

New Faces: Normande-Walbaum

Amsterdam Continental Types and Graphic Equipment inc., DE, -01-

Dick Dooyes, Stefan Schlesinger


Amsterdam Type Foundry, US,

S. H. de Roos


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, -01

Giambattista Bodoni


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1953


Brede Vette Antieke, Vette Antieke Cursif
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Klein Kapitaaltjes

Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1954-12

Akzidenz Grotesk

normal halbfett
Arti Grafiche Pizzi, IT,

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Bernhard Modern Bold Roman & Italic

ATF, US, -01

Dick Dooyes, Stefan Schlesinger

ATF Typographic Accessories

ATF, US, -01

S.H. De Roos

ATF De Roos Roman & Italic

ATF, US, -01

Konrand F. Bauer, Walter Baum...

New Impressum light - Italic - Bold

Bauer Alphabets Inc., US, 1962

Foundry Types from Bauer Alphabets

Bauer Alphabets, Inc., US, -01

For Your Guidance

Bauer type foundry, DE, 01

M. R. Kaufamann

ATF Kaufmann Script - Kaufmann Bold

Two distintive new monotone scripts by American Type Founders
American Type Founders, US, 1936

Arrow Indicators

American Type Founders, US, -01

ATF Type Specimens - Supplement 2

American Type Founders, US, -01

American Typefounders Company

Modern Decorative Material

American Typefounders Company, US, -01

Alessandro Butti

Torino Roman Italic

Amsterdam Continental Types and Graphic equipment, inc., IT, 01

S.H. de Roos


Complete series
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1933-

Roger Excoffon


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Thomas Maitland Cleland,...


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,


Vette Annonce
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Walter H. McKay


Amsterdam Type Foundry, US,

American Type Founders

ATF Section G Type Specimens


Max R. Kaufmann

ATF Kaufmann Bold - Kaufmann Script

ATF, US, -01

Warren Chappell

The Lydians

ATF, American Type Founders, US,

Konrad Friedrich Bauer,...


Bauer Alphabets, Inc., US, 1955

Howard Allen Trafton

Trafton Script

Bauer Alphabets, Inc., US, 1933

Howard Allen Trafton


Bauer Type Foundry Inc., US, 1936

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Bernhard

American Type Founders, US, 1937

New Amsterdam Continental Types

American Type Founders, NL,

ATF Type Specimens - Supplement 1

American Type Founders, US, -01

Morris Fuller Benton

The Louvaine Family

American Typefounders Company, US, 1929

Aldo Novarese


a Nebiolo series
Amsterdam continetal Types and Graphic Equipment Inc., US, 1958

Roger Excoffon


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1955

Peter Dombrezian


Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL, 1954


Brede Vette Egyptienne, Smalle Vette Egytienne
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,


Primula Ornamenten
Amsterdam Type Foundry, NL,

Aa. Vv.

Book design and production

Volume 5 number 1 1962 seven shillings and sixpence
Arthur J. Heighway Publication Limited, Gb, 1962

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Bernhard Tango

ATF, US, -01

Lucian Bernhard

ATF Spartan Black Condensed with Italic

ATF, US, -01

Freeman Craw

ATF Craw Clarendon Book

ATF, US, -01

Wagner e Schmidt

Venus Extrabold Extended

Bauer Alphabets, Inc., US, 1927

Friedrich Hermann Ernst...


Bauer Alphabets, Inc., US, 1937

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21 January 2021


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