
Gebrauchgraphik 1/1955

International Advertising Art

Edited by Eberhard Hölscher


Exibhition posters by Picasso and Marc Chagall

A picture book for the young

Otto Treumann, posters and covers for periodicals

French theatrical posters by Marcel Jacno

Gerhard Ulrich, book covers and illustrations

Olle Eksell, Swedish commercial art

Walter Brudi, signets and lettering

Only for veterinarians, a sequence of advertisements by Heinz Kurth

Hans Haderek, commercial art

The day of the Open Door

Sales promotion and the character of the fence enclosing a buliding ground

\"Duo\", a type of the type foundry Gebr


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via Ponchielli, 3
20129 Milano

19 January 2021


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